Master the Web Traffic tablets 10 Times Faster than Smartphone

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Upon entering 2013, a tablet predicted would dominate the global web traffic. This is according to the research contained in the Adobe Digital Index report by a team of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Research conducted on several continents that examine how the relationship between global web site traffic with the use of tablets, smartphones or personal computers (PCs). The results revealed that the tablet will dominate smartphone web traffic than at the beginning of 2013. Because consumers find the experience of browsing in a tablet about the same as on the PC, and more convenient when compared to the smartphone

MOBILE quoted online from thenextweb (15.05.2012), several important points in the report of the study revealed:
A. Visit the site of the tablet is growing at about 10 times faster than the smartphone in the first two years after the introduction of the market and grow over 300 percent last year.  

The rapid growth is also driven by high levels of delivery tablet
2. The share of web traffic will exceed the traffic tablet smartphone in early 2013 so that it can account for 10 percent of total web traffic in 2014.

This study analyzed 23 billion visits to sites of 325 companies from North America, Western Europe (Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom) and Asia (China, India, South Korea, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand). The data demonstrate the use of mobile devices is increasingly becoming the choice of accessing the Internet.
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