Patented Technology Apple Remote Control Cars Special Media

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Patent offices and trade names in the United States have issued a number of files a patent filed by Apple. Among the 21 patents filed there is a design to clip the remote control device mounted on the steering wheel. According to the patent description, which has never been seen before, the remote control has a shape like a click wheel iPod and used as the controlling various media devices such as Apple iPod, iPad and iPhone.

This device uses electronic circuitry to control operations. For example, electronic circuits can detect input from the user, interprets the input to detect the desired operation by the user, and sends the appropriate signals to perform the desired operation.

Apple claims that the remote control is more sensitive than the standard click wheel. One of the technicians who worked on this project is a major designer of Frog Design. Frog Design is a leading global design innovation that has long been working with Apple, starting with the Apple IIc portable casing is also the fourth model in the Apple II series. (Source :

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